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#9 Ten Real Exciting Things


It’s a real comfort to be surrounded by ones countrymen and culture, but most especially by mum and dad. I have come back with a slightly different perspective and am seeing South Africa with a whole new level of appreciation. I keep wanting to take pictures of everything to brag (with the heaviest of SA accents) to my friends back in Siem Reap: “Hey guys, look at these AVOS! Check out these straight walls! Oh my word did you see everyone stop at that red light? Yoh bitcholas have you smelled how good I smell? I just took a shower in the purest of waters. Look at me drinking out of the tap! Come here for a cuddle sweet hondtjie! Bread, SO MUCH BREAD!

I’m feeling a little like the oldest dog at the animal shelter that finally got adopted into the loveliest home.


I know I already mentioned this one, but hell water is something worth mentioning twice. Pure sweet mountain water straight from the tap, I am sure my hair has never felt this clean or soft. It feels a little risqué to put my head under a tap and just drink. The other major water factor is the sea in its salty magnificence. How lovely is the ocean, how calm does it make people? How does it do that? Man! I vow to myself this day, on this platform, that I will never live far from the ocean again.


The brighter side of being ill is having to take a break from EVERYTHING, even shaving my legs. I am not cooking, cleaning, caring for, hurrying anywhere, making plans with or even brushing my own hair. I’m at home and what I am doing is sitting down or lying down. I like that my schedule is being dictated by the needs of my body first. I could never take my abilities for granted, but I am happy for the forced break.


The potential of what to do with the next few months has just been blown wide open. Having my plans crushed was just what I needed to get me the time to explore some greater possibilities for the next few months. I am so excited by the possibilities of just what could be accomplished in the next few months, with a little ingenuity.


People are cool. It’s great to be reminded of just how special my people back home are. I’m really excited to see members of my family and long time friends again. To catch up and see how they have grown and changed and how they are still the same. I am excited to be surrounded by all these passionate people again!


I see mountains and Kool & The Gang are singing casually at the back of my mind: “Get down on it….” I want to GET UP THERE!


This is something that has always been very much lacking from my life and it is possible to remedy that situation. With the motivation of three incredible women and the goal of #20byChristmas in mind, I intend to embark on a fitness journey that I actually want to be on. I might not ever be a runner (never ever ever, I passionately hate it), but thankfully there are other sorts of exercise.


Like just about anyone on this planet, self-expression is something I have been trying to get right just about my whole life. Travelling and meeting new people has really primed me for a little more understanding of the world. Expression for me has taken the form of: smiling all the way to my eyes, coloring a picture, setting a boundary, crying, speaking to my animals, baking the perfect potato and writing this blog. I’m full of something that wants to come out (I think its called life) and I am so excited to share it with whoever cares to notice.

The Loveliest Story

Having time at home with Johnny is an opportunity. An opportunity to argue, to listen and hear simultaneously, and most especially: to work on that story. The one that has been in the air for years and has never gotten a second draft. I’m excited to be allowed into my brother’s exceptional brain and given the chance to edit something incredible.


With the exception of a couple of stomach illnesses, let’s just be honest, when have I not been entirely excited about food? Food is just about the most damn exciting thing in the world!

Lately my tastes have been very simple: it’s called avo on toast. Maybe if you tried it, you would start to feel very, very excited too!

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